Friday, June 29, 2012

Plant a tree seed, save a planet

© Malcolm Romain / istockphoto
It's the smallest thing but possibly the grandest gesture you can do today... Plant a tree seed.
It can be a pip from an apple, an acorn from an oak or a winged nut from a maple - you can even go crazy and buy a whole packet of tree seeds from your local garden centre if you want.

All you have to do is make sure they are the seeds of trees that found naturally - or "native" -  to the place in which you live.

But where do you plant it?

On the side of the side of the street, in your garden, in the park, by a lay-by, on the side of a field or next to a wood... anywhere where there's space and light. Then all you have to do is
  1. bend down,
  2. push your finger into the soil about to about 2cm (1 inch) depth -  or use a pen - and pop that seed in.
  3. Then stand on the hole to close it over and tuck it in.
That's it.

That's all you have to do.

You've taken a step, an action, that helps our only planet  - the planet we depend on and cling to - breathe a little easier (quite literally).

It may be a simple act.

It may have been easy to carry out. But given half a chance that seed will grow and grow and mean more and more as your life goes on.

Your one single action gains significance as it grows, as you grow.

How easy was that? How good do you feel?

And if it does make you feel good, go do it again!

And again.

Whenever you're feeling blue or a little down, or even just for the sake of it, go do a bit of planet saving by popping a seed in a hole the next time you're out and about.
Go crazy and buy a packet of tree seeds from your local garden centre if you wish.

Or go round your neighbourhood at the right time of year (usually autumn for most of us), and collect seeds from the many different trees that grow naturally in your area, and stock up for the year of planet-saving seed-planting ahead of you...

It's not the only seed you just planted

You just planted one in your own mind.
The idea, the thought, perhaps the hope that you can do something to save this planet.

That you can help maintain the majesty of life as we know it.

Doing small things can achieve big things.

The very seed you planted in the soil is proof of that.

A living example of how from small things even greater things emerge and grow.

Can you save a planet? Yes you can.
 / ©: Claudelle Girard / istockphoto
© Claudelle Girard / istockphoto

Why are trees important?

Trees prevent soil erosion, are pretty vital in maintaining and regulating most water cycles, and help check global warming by using carbon dioxide in photosynthesis.

So it's quite scary that over the past 50 years, about half the world's original forest cover has been lost.

Read more on why trees and forests are important to life on Earth but checking some great websites online

* When you're planet saving - be careful!

Remember - you're planting for the future.

So when you plant your seed try and imagine what it will be like when it is all grown up.

Will it cause problems for anyone?

After all, in a few years we don't want someone cutting down what you have so carefully sown all those years ago.

What if my tree seed doesn't grow?

Don't worry. This can happen for a variety of reasons (lack of water, poor soil, competition from other plants etc).

Simply plant another seed, but maybe in a different place.

If there's one thing about planet saving, it's that you don't give up at the first attempt :-)

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Improving your fitness

They say that if you took twenty different types of sports you will get twenty different types of fitness definitions from the participants. It does not make any difference whether you are involved with anything from Yoga to surfing it will have its own specific type of fitness that it needs.

The dictionary describes fitness as the ability of something or someone to adapt to the environment. When we are intent on getting fit or improving our fitness it is all relative to how fit we currently are and for what specific sport or activity we would want to get fit. The training that you do will be in order to increase your fitness and ability to adapt.

But physiologically speaking there is only one definition that is needed to describe fitness and sports science who studies this have come up with a very specific way to establish this fitness. They do it by loading the body as in running or cycling or even rowing and they then measure the amount of air that is needed to be processed.

This is called VO2 Max and is basically the workload divided by the amount of air that is required in order to process that workload. Whatever the reading is it should be understood that the reading is specific to the time and place that it was done. This means that you are only as fit as your last workout.

Because your fitness is your physical ability to adapt to the environmental stress that you are under, the more stress that you are given the more your body will adapt. This means that someone who jogs a mile a day and does the same thing every day at the same pace they will not be getting fitter.

They will improve their fitness to a pointy where the body will be able to do the required mile job within the given time allocated and if the person does not run faster the next day or run farther then the fitness that they have achieved will not be increasing. It will increase to the point that the person will be able to do the mile jog without tiring.

But this does not mean that the time and energy that it takes to jog a mile is a waste of time. On the contrary it is very beneficial even if the fitness is not increased because it will have all the physiological benefits of getting to that level of fitness. This means that any exercise is good exercise because it will be keeping you healthy.

Monday, June 25, 2012

What Can Be Done To Help Save The Earth's Environment

Our planet is in great danger. For the last one hundred or so years, the people of earth have wasted and misused the natural recourses of earth. Several plans have been developed to stop the abuse of earth. Some of these plans I will discuss in this essay, many of which can be executed by any one. Environmental problems have become so complex that many individuals feel they can have no effect on them. Problems like oil spills, hazardous waste, loss of rain forests, endangered species, acid rain, the ozone layer, the municipal waste crisis can feel out of our control. At the very least, these problems require group and corporate action or government intervention. However, there are some things the individual can control. Our waste reduction and recycling activities can make a difference. That's why so many communities began voluntary recycling programs.

There are some household items that are dangerous if they are just thrown away with the regular garbage these items can damage the environment and injure plant and animal life some of these may include moth balls, spot removers, aerosol cans, fluorescent light tubes and shoe polish. Your local waste management agency has information on how to properly dispose of these items.

A compost bin may be set up in your yard. Compost bins return plant and some food materials to the soil through decomposition so it can be used as a natural soil additive, called compost. Compost improves soil texture, increases the ability of soil to absorb oxygen and water. Compost also suppresses weed growth and reduces the need to add chemicals and pesticides to plants, which may be harmful to the environment.

Keeping recycle bens in the kitchen may help to stop people from accidentally throwing into the trash an item that could have been recycled. Some recyclable items include glass, paper, and most types of mettle. You want to be sure that glass, paper and mettle are all separated into different bins. Once these bins are full of recyclable materials they can be given to your local recycle center.

Solar panels are a series of mirrors that transform sunlight into solar energy. Solar energy can help heat water and power home appliances. Solar energy is a great source of clean, non-polluting energy.

The home is not the only place wear people can pitch in and help the environment. School playgrounds can use recyclable materials for play equipment and to make the play ground safe for the children. Old rubber tires can be made into a recreation area where kids can crawl in and out. Sports coaches may also use old tires, by having the kids run through them, to test the kids stamina and agility. Jungle gyms, slides and swing sets can be made from recycled mettles.

The school and public libraries are great examples of the reuse of materials. Books can be barrowed, read and returned instead of every one who wants to read a certain book going and purchasing a copy. The reuse of these books saves thousands of trees that would be used to make copies of books. The library also offers computers that can be used for research, by using the Internet, by taping the local or global newspaper web sights and other research centers around the world. Receiving information through the Internet saves paper and energy consumption is reduced.

By taking school buses or car pools to school instead of individual vehicles, students can not only save fuel but also reduce both traffic and air pollution. People may also try to invest in electronic vehicles, which do not pollute. People should make sure to keep maintenance up on their vehicles to prevent unnecessary toxins from entering the environment.

The idea of a landfill is a great one, but it won’t work if people continue to believe it is a place for all trash. A landfill is a big divot dug out of the earth for garbage disposal.

We need to make sure we don’t put chemicals or non-biodegradable substances into these landfills because they are harmful to plants and animals, they may also contaminate our drinking water. A few of these chemicals include antifreeze, insecticide, batteries and Styrofoam, for proper disposal of these items contact your local waste management agency.

You can help save natural resources by taking your old belongings that are no longer needed to a second hand store or the Salvation Army. A second hand store is a place where people can purchase donated items at a cheaper price than if they were to buy it brand new. The Salvation Army is much like a second hand store, but the items are free. Most items found at a second hand store or The Salvation Army are articles of clothing. The benefit to donating old items is that when people find what they need at a second hand store or The Salvation Army fewer items are manufactured which means you are saving natural recourses.

We can help, over the last twenty to thirty years we have been trying every thing in our power to conserve energy and natural resources, many plans have been developed as to what should be done all of which are very good ones. The problem with these plans is that not every one contributes to the efforts to reduce pollution and waste, in fact most of the people I know believe recycling is a waste of time and they by them selves cannot make the difference. In some cases, I have found myself questioning my efforts. However, it is still important that we don’t quit. If only every one in every home would decide to do their part and help to keep our air clean, our water unpolluted and our wild life safe. The Earth is our home and we need to protect it

Saturday, June 16, 2012

Quick Weight Loss Diet Plans - Dieting to Lose Weight Fast

We’ve heard the claims before — quick weight loss diet plans promising fast results that are nothing short of unbelievable. Many people succumb into all sorts of quick weight loss diet plans, only to lose motivation and fail miserably halfway in following the plan. Thus, they may end up right where they started or even gain a pound or two afterwards. Read on to know how to pick the right weight loss diet plan, and how to stay on course.

The term ‘plan’ itself denotes preparing and goal setting. It involves a highly structured, well-organized schedule of meals and food combinations you must adhere to on a stringent basis; otherwise the quick weight loss diet plan falls apart. diets, despite their variations, all have common ground upon which each of their systems is based.

diet Plan # 1: Ditch the Junk Foods.

Junk food is the first to go. Think of the undertaking as a challenge to be met and overcome, rather than treating it like a prison sentence.

If you go on a diet halfheartedly, fretting over the things you will be forced to give up, you will only set yourself up for failure and disappointment. Instead, set a reasonable and attainable goal and timeframe, something you’re sure to achieve, and then reward yourself afterward.

Having a sense of accomplishment is a great way to stay motivated and determined to see this through. For this, the ideal diet would be a more flexible one, like the Mayo Clinic Plan, which puts more emphasis on eating healthy choices — like having your fill of unlimited fruits and veggies — than eliminating unhealthy ones. This plan lowers cholesterol levels and blood pressure, and cuts down the risk for heart, disease, diabetes, and some forms of cancer.

diet Plan # 2: Just Say No .

If you get sidetracked and find yourself indulging a wee bit more than usual (read: cheating), do not abandon your quick weight loss diet plan altogether, simply because you feel you are no longer consistent.

Just make up for your mistake by eating twice as healthily as before. Remove temptation from your life (and your pantry! ). Do your grocery shopping on a full stomach so you do not feel compelled to grab every snack in sight. Stock up instead on healthier alternatives, like whole grain foods.

Know the difference between a craving and real, honest-to-goodness hunger. When you hear that jelly doughnut a-calling, imagine yourself eating some other kind of food, like chicken, for instance. If you’re really hungry, you’ll want to eat whatever food comes to your mind. If anything other than that jelly doughnut seems like a bad idea, then what you have is a craving that must be ignored.

Eat smaller portions more frequently, about every three hours, because when you allow yourself to get hungry, it will be that much difficult to suppress your appetite and you will have a tendency to overeat.

diet Plan # 3: Take Your Pick.

If you prefer a more rigid and quicker weight loss diet plan, try the famous South Beach diet. It has three phases, the first of which takes two weeks long and is the most restrictive. Its specific menus do away with most of the carbohydrates you know and love, like bread, pasta, sugar, and alcohol, making it a seemingly difficult diet to hurdle. The Atkins Plan, on the other hand, provides three meals and one snack a day. It focuses on eating lean meat and eggs, and like the South Beach diet, targets carbohydrates first.

The ideal would be to shed one to two pounds a week. Anything more than that would be too risky as it isn’t just unwanted fat you may be losing, but all-important muscle tissue as well. This is why exercise and physical activity are just as essential to quick weight loss as eating right, because building muscle helps to burn all those calories away.

There are many other quick weight loss diet plans in existence, precisely because there is no single diet that will work for everyone. Whether low-fat, low-carb, protein-rich, all-vegetarian, or whatnot, it is still up to you to decide which plan you think will suit you best. And remember, when in doubt, always consult your physician first.

Weight loss success stories women over 40

Friday, June 15, 2012

Why Diabetics Struggle With Weight Loss

One of the most perplexing problems that diabetics face is weight loss. Many doctors insist it is a simple matter of consuming less calories than are burned. And, in a perfect world that works. But most diabetics will insist that there is more to it, because when they do the same things as non-diabetics, they get no results, while their non-diabetic friends drop pound after pound. Fad diets do not work, diet products do not work, even exercise shows little or no results. The struggling diabetics are right-- there is more to it than just cutting calories.

diabetes is caused by eating a bad diet, and a good diet is a key part of regaining control. But it is the bad diet that has placed a number of conditions in place that must be understood in order to win the fat war. There are a number of interrelated circumstances that contribute to making diabetic weight loss difficult. First, let's look at how the problem originated, then we can investigate how that information can lead to reversing the problem.

Years of bad diet, containing fats, sweets, high glycemic index foods, prepared foods and dairy products caused inflammation. A complete detailed explanation of how inflammation caused diabetes can be found in the "diabetics Handbook" (see below). The following will be a gross oversimplification, due to space limitations, but hopefully, it will demonstrate the important aspects of the problem. Pro-inflammatory substances (pro-oxidants) are normally used by the body to fight disease and infection (via the immune system). They play many important roles in the body including digestion, and even breathing. Normally, the body uses antioxidants to control these processes. However , years of bad diet, which is characteristically very low in antioxidants, causes an immune system to lose the ability to shut down. Consequently, the immune system begins to attack healthy cells causing serious damage. In type I diabetes, the beta cells (insulin producing cells) are destroyed. In type II diabetes many cells are damaged setting up a condition known as insulin resistance. Insulin resistance occurs when the body's cells cannot properly communicate when using insulin to uptake and burn glucose.

When the body digests food, particularly carbohydrates, it is converted into glucose. Glucose is distributed throughout the body in the bloodstream by the liver. The liver will normally control fat levels. When very high levels of fat are in the bloodstream, due to diet, the liver cannot process it all. It begins to fill its cells with sacs of triglycerides (converted glucose for storage) and it places the excess in the adipose tissues (belly fat).

The brain, vital organs and muscle tissue rely on glucose which provides energy to function. As these organs use glucose, the liver will place more in the bloodstream to replace it. In a perfect world, the organs and tissues would use it efficiently, and hopefully in proportion to the amount produced by food. Insulin resistance reduces the amount of glucose that is absorbed and stored by the organs and muscle tissue. Add to that, the fact that most diabetics lead a sedentary lifestyle, meaning that they get minimal amounts of exercise resulting in much less glucose being burned.

When the body is impaired by insulin resistance (type II diabetes), the cells do not use as much glucose. The body senses that glucose levels are building up in the bloodstream, so it instructs the pancreas to release more insulin. The body now has high glucose levels and high insulin levels in the bloodstream. Insulin is a hormone that performs many functions, besides allowing cells to absorb glucose. Insulin will also attempt (vigorously) to remove excess glucose from the bloodstream by placing it in storage as fat. Once in storage, insulin will block the process of breaking fat down to remove it from storage. Many doctors say that the presence of high levels of insulin in the blood causes unnecessary water retention in the body, which is a factor in weight gain. This is a key aspect of beating diabetic obesity, which means that insulin regulation is very important. Insulin also acts on the brain. It promotes cravings that result in eating more and on the liver to manufacture more fat. The liver removes insulin from the bloodstream, but insulin causes fat to be deposited in the liver which, in turn, prevents the liver from removing insulin from the bloodstream. People with belly fat store too much fat in their livers (fatty liver disease - see below), which prevents the liver from removing insulin. consequently, insulin levels rise higher and higher, which can contribute to heart attacks and more abdominal obesity.

Also, fat in the abdominal area functions differently than fat elsewhere in the body, such as the hips. Blood flow from the belly fat goes directly to the liver. The blood flow from other fatty areas, such as the hips, goes into the body's general circulation. Belly fat has an efficient blood supply and has as more receptors for cortisol (a stress hormone). Cortisol levels vary throughout the day, but will elevate and remain elevated if the body is under stress. High stress and high cortisol levels promote fat deposits in the belly area. It goes to the belly area because there are more cortisol receptors there. Chronically high cortisol levels kill neurons in the brain. They also interfere with neurotransmitters (such as dopamine and serotonin - the good mood neurotransmitters) which leads to depression and feeling more stressed. Depression is common in diabetics, which adds to the problem since depression causes a stress type reaction in the body. In other words, depression promotes the development of belly fat.

The fat that is stored in the adipose tissue (belly fat) is also a characteristic of diabetes. That means that diabetics are genetically prone to belly fat. Belly fat (central obesity) is associated with higher rates of cardiovascular disease, and several types of cancer as well. Heredity plays a role in overall body type (apple vs . a pear shape). Genetics accounts for 25-55 % of the tendency to develop the most serious diseases associated with abdominal fat, the remainder is lifestyle. As belly fat builds up, it does several things. First, it stops the production of the hormone leptin, which normally would curb appetite. Second, it causes insulin resistance to further increase, which has obvious consequences. The cells use less glucose, the body produces more insulin, and guess what... more fat goes into storage. Fat storage is the body's way of following ancient mechanisms designed to protect the body during lean times. Cave men would sometimes go long periods of time between successful hunting campaigns. So the body learned to take advantage of good times to prepare for the bad times. The body converts glucose into glycogen and triglycerides which are very efficient methods of storing energy.

When the cells of the liver fill up with triglyceride fat sacs, the liver's function is impaired. It cannot process fats efficiently. It quickly runs out of room to store more fat, and when the body's tissues and organs are not using as much, the liver simply puts it all into storage as belly fat. The number of fat cells a person has is determined at birth. The numbers remain constant unless the fat cells become full. When they become full, the cells will divide creating new fat cells. The new cells will remain throughout the balance of the person's life. However , a successful diet will reduce the size of the fat cells. Fat cells are fed by blood vessels in the belly area. Each fat cell is in contact with at least one capillary. The blood supply provides support for the metabolism. The blood flow will depend upon body weight and the overall nutritional state. The number of vessels will increase during fasting or high demand for glucose. Increased numbers of blood vessels can contribute to increasing blood pressure. The heart simply has to work harder to supply the additional vessels.

A liver that has many cells filled with triglyceride sacs is called a fatty liver NAFLD (nonalcoholic fatty liver disease). Any diabetic that has large amounts of belly fat likely has a fatty liver. Fatty liver develops early in the process because of high levels of triglycerides in the bloodstream. Diabetic fatty liver's second stage is called NASH (nonalcoholic steatohepatitis), meaning that it is not caused by alcohol consumption (but similar), and it mimics damage caused by hepatitis diseases. Oxidation of cells begins to occur causing cell damage. The third stage is cirrhosis which is very serious and dangerous. The first stage of fatty liver is not particularly dangerous, and will go away with proper treatment. Fatty liver is difficult to diagnose. The only reliable test is to conduct a biopsy to determine how much fat is present and if any scarring is present. Biopsies are rarely conducted, because the medical industry cannot agree on how it should be interpreted. The symptoms of NAFLD are nondescript, non-existent or mimic symptoms of other diseases. Certain blood tests will display the presence of certain liver enzymes that are common in hepatitis, which would signify the presence of NASH. Fatty liver will seriously complicate the weight loss process.

Parasites will virtually stall weight loss efforts. Parasites are more common in diabetics than a non-diabetic person, due to their weakened state. Unfortunately, western medicine doctors have little training in recognizing the presence of parasites. Few people are trained in testing for them. Most common tests have a very low accuracy rate. Treating parasites with drugs is rarely effective because they have a very narrow range of effectiveness. There are over 100 common species found in humans and treatments are very specific to specie. Parasites escape diagnosis in as many as 70 chronic diseases, and are now believed to be instrumental in the development of many chronic diseases.

When parasites are present, patients will have virtually no success in losing weight. Reduced portion sizes, carbohydrate counting or elimination, or even vigorous exercise will not produce results. Parasites inflame the lining of the digestive tract, and slow nutrient absorption. They eventually spread to all areas of the body, including vital organs. They disrupt hormonal balance, blood sugar regulation and alter the metabolism. Parasites eat the nutrients ingested, or they eat the host. They leave the host with empty calories, which triggers cravings and over consumption of food (urges to pile it high on a plate). They virtually take over control of the body.

Parasites release toxins that overload the kidneys and liver. The weakened state leads to further reductions in metabolism. They hinder the maintenance of beneficial flora in the intestinal tract that can lead to over production of yeasts. Overdevelopment of yeasts lead to the development of allergies, gas and bloating. Their acids damage organs, breakdown muscle tissue and cause the central nervous system to become sluggish. The body will react to increased acid levels by producing fat cells to store the acid, thus removing it from the system. A lower metabolism encourages the production of fat cells.

The good news is, by now, the reasons for difficulty in losing weight are clearer. So how does one beat these powerful mechanisms? Start by getting rid of any parasites. The safe bet is to assume that they are present, because they probably are present. There is an extensive listing of symptoms, and how to cleanse the body of parasites in the "diabetics Handbook". Also read about glycemic index and load. Modify the diet to eat only low glycemic index foods. Stop eating any of the pro-oxidant foods, especially processed foods, which is basically anything in a box or can that has ingredients that you cannot pronounce, or it's unknown as to why it is in there.

Then assume that you have a fatty liver, because you probably do to some extent. This is the tough part. The most success comes from combining a series of techniques. Fasting and exercise are effective to break the cycles and burn liver fat. But it must be done correctly. If liver and/or kidney damage is present a doctor should be consulted. An alternative to fasting is to start eating 6-8 very light, low glycemic index meals per day, instead of three large meals. That will reduce the glucose spikes that exacerbate the process.

Change the diet. Stop eating the pro-oxidant foods. Processed foods are poison to diabetics, which cannot be stressed enough! Processed flour is very bad for diabetics (actually for everybody). Sodas are high in pro-oxidants and phosphoric acid, drink green tea instead. However , be careful, some bottled green teas have additives in them, including phosphoric acid. Stop drinking coffee. Eat only very lean cuts of meat. Stop eating sweets, sugar substitutes and dairy products. Never cook food at high temperatures (over 400 degrees F) or microwave food. That means that grilling and broiling are out. Microwaves kill as much as 97% of the living nutrients in food. Steaming, stir frying in olive oil or boiling food is best. diabetics should eat fruit if their system does not react to them (glucose spikes). Pineapple and bananas are very high in natural sugar. Eat low glycemic index foods only. Take a good quality multivitamin daily, such as Rejuvenage 40 , which is sold on the internet. If a multivitamin is being taken, compare the product label to the sample label posted on the internet. This particular multivitamin has the broadest coverage of nutrients found on the market. Eat lots of fiber, especially water-soluble fiber.

Glucose management can be improved if sodium levels are managed, and fiber levels are kept high. Sodium slows the insulin response, which means higher sodium levels can be an advantage for hypoglycemia. High sodium levels prevent a quick rise and fall in insulin levels, and subsequently reduce the blood sugar highs and lows commonly experienced with hypoglycemia. Sodium, along with ascorbic acid (vitamin C) and biotin are among the most important factors in reducing erratic glucose level changes; even between meals. Manganese, chromium and niacin/niacinamide control glucose response as well as the liver's storage of glycogen. Potassium, vitamin B6, and vitamin C can both, help stabilize, or interfere with glucose management depending on whether a patient is prone to be hypoglycemic, or hyperglycemic. Lower amounts are recommended for patients that are prone to hypoglycemia, and higher amounts for patients that are prone to hyperglycemia. On the other hand, high amounts of potassium can reduce manganese and chromium. High amounts of vitamin C can lower manganese and stimulate insulin. Vitamin B6 stimulates magnesium and potassium, but lowers manganese. It can become complex. It should be noted that too much sodium in the diet is never a good thing.

Eliminate candies, honey, sodas of all types, donuts, cereals (especially sweetened), cakes and bakery goods, over ripe fruits, fruit juices (unless diluted), sugar (both brown and white), syrups (corn, maple and molasses), glucose, sucrose, fructose (of any variety), dextrose, maltose, or any substance ending in "ose". Eliminate all artificial sweeteners except Stevia. Most of the bakery goods contain synthetic additives, along with processed flour, both of which are highly pro-oxidative.

It will be necessary to start exercising to maximize the burning of glucose in tissues. Power walking for approximately 45 minutes, preferably daily, will burn upwards of 300 calories each day. Exercising other major muscle groups is important. The fasting and exercise program should be alternated with non-fast and exercise programs (3-5 days each). Depending upon health conditions, choose between a water or a juice fast. The water fast is more aggressive. Don't lose weight too fast. It can damage the liver. Most people lose 3-5 pounds after the first several days and an additional 3-5 pounds the next day, it will level off at a pound per day after the initial loss. It is customary to not lose weight during the non-fast phase. Then repeat the cycle. The "diabetics Handbook" covers a variety of programs, the most aggressive being a 30 day fast, which will totally detox the entire body as well. It is known to release toxins present since birth. Fasting is safe, and very effective. Exercising a muscle does not get rid of fat over the specific muscles that are exercised. The only way to reduce a fat belly is to lose weight overall, and any type of exercise will help accomplish that. There's a growing body of research showing that the fastest way to burn off belly fat is by a combination of weight training, aerobic exercise and modified diet. Bear in mind that increased muscle mass, from exercise, will increase body weight as fat is lost.

Physical activity is clearly beneficial for diabetics, including lowering blood glucose levels. However , physical activity can make levels go too low, causing hypoglycemia for up to 24 hours afterward. For those taking insulin, or one of the oral medications that increase insulin production, the breaking of routine (fasting) by having a snack, may be required if the glucose level goes below 100 mg/dL. Adjusting medication doses before physical activity can help avoid hypoglycemia. For some diabetics, it may be necessary to consult a doctor while on aggressive programs. A snack can prevent hypoglycemia, provided that it is a low glycemic index food. Extra blood glucose checks, especially 2 hours after strenuous exercise, may be advised. Place increased emphasis on maintaining blood sugar levels. Hold them as close to normal as possible. In type II diabetes that will reduce the amount of excess insulin in the bloodstream. If insulin-dependent, or type I diabetic, avoid taking more insulin than is required to maintain control. Many diabetics assume that more insulin than is needed is not necessarily a bad thing. This is a critical phase that requires lots of testing and focus. The combination of lower insulin, lower glucose levels and vigorous exercise will allow the body to quickly start burning the liver fat. It takes up to 12-16 hours for the body to start drawing fat from the liver. Exercise will increase the metabolism. However , understanding the metabolism will be helpful, because the metabolic rate will change throughout the process. Exercise reduces stress levels. If high stress is an issue, try stress reducing activities such as deep breathing or meditation. Be certain to take antioxidant supplements during the fasting process. Several recent studies show that omega-3 fats can reduce output of another stress hormone, epinephrine (aka adrenaline). Start taking 4000IU of fish oil twice daily. You cannot overdose on fish oil. The body will produce large amounts of free radicals, which will require large amounts of antioxidants to be controlled. Be certain that 100% of the daily requirements of vitamins and minerals is consumed.

In summary, modify the diet; learn what to eat and what not to eat; take a good quality multivitamin every day; get the glucose levels in tight control; manage the insulin levels; manage the sodium levels; exercise vigorously daily; manage stress; eliminate the possibility of parasite infestation; and consider fasting techniques. Learn as much as possible about diabetes, food, and how to cleanse and maintain all of the vital organs.

If this appears to be a lot of hard work, it is. But it is not unusual for diabetics, that have not had any dieting success at all, to lose 30 pounds the first month. The key to total diabetes control, and improved health, is to lose the belly fat. It is paramount. As the belly fat goes away, it will become increasingly easier to win the fat war. Blood sugar control will become easier, blood pressure, triglyceride and cholesterol levels will improve. Go to for a free daily nutrition log, which will make tracking nutrition easier.

Live In Fitness Diabetic Nutrition Fat Loss

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

A Quick, Healthy Dish for People with Diabetes & Their Families

Diabetes is a serious disease that results in high glucose (sugar levels) in the blood, which can lead to serious health problems. Nearly 26 million adults in the United States have the disease. If you have diabetes, you know the day-to-day steps needed to manage the disease can be hard. Diabetes can lead to blindness, loss of limb, kidney failure, heart disease, and early death. Managing diabetes can be easier if you set goals and make a plan. Talk with your health care team about making a plan, which should include ways to make healthier food choices, increase your physical activity, and reach and stay at a healthy weight. One part of your plan may be learning how to prepare a quick, healthy dish for your family. Follow these tips from the National Diabetes Education Program to make healthier meals that your whole family can enjoy:
 Before going to the grocery store, check flyers, ads, and websites to see what is on sale. Make a list of what you need, and check to see what foods you already have at home.
 Find recipes online or at your local library that have five to 10 ingredients or less.
 Buy fresh fruits and vegetables that are in season – they usually cost less.
 Buy items like fat-free or low-fat milk, cheese, and yogurt in the largest size you know your family will consume so you are not paying for extra packaging.
 Instead of flavored rice, buy plain brown rice. Add fresh or dried herbs and spices to add flavor.
 Look for deals on whole-grain, day-old breads in the bakery department. Search for specials on lean cuts at the meat counter.
 Prepare meals in advance to make meal time less stressful, and use the leftovers to make other dishes.
Here’s an example of a healthy dish that serves four and takes less than 30 minutes to prepare.
Red Snapper (This recipe also works well with chicken breast used in place of red snapper)
2 Tbsp olive oil
1 medium onion, chopped
½ cup red pepper, chopped
½ cup carrots, cut into strips
1 clove garlic, minced
½ cup dry white wine*
¾ pound (12 oz.) of red snapper filet
1 large tomato, chopped
2 Tbsp pitted ripe olives, chopped
2 Tbsp crumbled low-fat feta or low-fat ricotta cheese
*Water or fat-free broth can be used in place of white wine.
In a large skillet, heat olive oil and add onion, red pepper, carrots, and garlic. Sauté for
10 minutes then add wine and bring to a boil. Push the vegetables to one side of the
pan. Arrange fillets in a single layer in center of skillet. Cover to cook for 5 minutes. Add
tomato and olives. Top with cheese then cover and cook for 3 minutes or until fish is firm
but moist. Transfer fish to a serving platter and add vegetables and pan juices. Serve
fish on top of vegetables with brown rice. Enjoy!
Nutrition Information Per Serving for Red Snapper: Serving size ¼ red snapper (or 3
oz.) with ½ cup vegetables. Calories 285, Calories from fat 80, Total Fat 10g, Saturated
Fat 2g, Cholesterol 35mg, Sodium 160mg, Dietary Fiber 2g, Total Carbohydrate 8g,
Protein 19g.

Sunday, June 10, 2012

How fast should you expect to lose weight?

Most experts agree that a safe, healthy rate of weight loss is one to 1 ½ pounds per week. Modification of eating habits along with regular exercise is the most effective way to lose weight over the long term. It is also the ideal way to ensure that the weight stays off.
Starvation diets may result in rapid weight loss, but this weight loss is almost impossible to maintain for most people. When food intake is severely restricted (below approximately 1,200 calories per day), the body begins to adapt to this state of poor nutrition by reducing its metabolic rate, potentially making it even more difficult to lose weight. It is also possible to experience hunger pangs, bouts of hypoglycemia, headaches, and mood changes from overly stringent dieting. These symptoms can result in binge eating and weight gain. Since a highly restrictive diet is almost impossible to maintain for a long time, people who attempt to starve themselves thin often start to gain weight again when they stop dieting.

The no-diet approach to weight control

By adopting sensible eating habits and practicing portion control, you can eat nutritious foods so that you take in as many calories as you need to maintain your health and well-being at your ideal weight. Often, weight loss occurs on its own simply when you start making better food choices, such as avoiding
  • processed foods,
  • sugar-laden foods,
  • white bread and pasta (substitute whole-grain varieties instead),
  • foods with a high percentage of calories from fat,
  • and alcoholic drinks.
While nothing is absolutely forbidden, when you do succumb to temptation, keep the portion size small and add a bit more exercise to your daily workout.
By replacing some unwise food choices with healthy ones, you'll be cutting back on calories. If you add some moderate physical activity, you have the perfect weight-loss plan without the need for special or inconvenient (and often expensive) diet plans.

Friday, June 8, 2012

Lose Weight Effectively By Walking

Go walking in any popular park where people enjoy exercise and you'll find fit people working out with a personal trainer.

Seeing this might lead us to conclude that personal trainers are just for fit people and not for those of us with weight loss goals who haven't exercised for a while.

We asked a couple of our favourite personal trainers to see what they had to say about this myth and added our own thoughts.

The truth about personal trainers

The truth is that all of us can benefit from the services of a good personal trainer, especially those of us who haven't exercised before, or for a while, and who have weight loss goals.

Here's what our favourite personal trainers have to say on this issue:

Sonja Falvo - Personal Trainer - Brisbane.

"I think a lot of people feel that they have to be fit before hiring a personal trainer and nothing could be further from the truth."

"In fact, there are some very good reasons why people new to exercise should hire a personal trainer. Two of the best reasons revolve around safety and getting better results faster."

Here are some of the most common questions Sonja is asked and her standard replies to those questions:

Q. What if I have never exercised before?

A. All the more reason to have a personal trainer! We are here to help you get maximum results by personally tailoring your training sessions. We believe in coaching and motivating you to do your best - our aim is not make you sore for days or to look like a body builder (unless of course that is your goal).

Q. Do I need to be fit before I start?

A. We will help you to increase your fitness regardless of what level you are starting from. And at a much faster rate than if you were training on your own. We have training programs to suit all levels of fitness.

Q. Should I diet first to get the most out of my personal training sessions?

A. If you want to lose 'fat' then we can help you to do this by turning your body into a 'fat burning machine' with a safe and effective training program. Dieting can actually cause you to lose a lot of muscle and water, which in turn causes your metabolism to slow down and increases your 'fat storing' ability in the long term.

Q. Aren't personal trainers just for elite athletes and for young people who want to look good?

A. Personal trainers are for everybody! We help women of all ages to achieve many different and varying health and fitness goals including; fat loss, increased fitness, better quality of life, lowering blood pressure, reducing stress and healthy living just to name a few. Whatever your health and fitness goals - we can help you achieve them!

Travis Bell - Personal Trainer - Melbourne.

"A lot of our new clients are first time exercisers."

"In fact, I'd say we specialize in beginners because when they come to us for the first time, around 70% of our new clients are beginners and around 40% have never exercised before."

"And this makes perfect sense when you realize that a lot of people, especially those that want to lose weight:

  • Are intimidated by gyms
  • Realize that some gyms are image conscious
  • Prefer one-on-one exercise sessions
  • Have technology issues with all the latest exercise equipment
  • Need fully individualized and tailored programs
  • Prefer private studios that are not full of mirrors

"Our goal is to help people to achieve their goals and we do this by building their confidence and making them feel safe while exploring the boundaries of their fitness."

"And critical to achieving both of these aims is to construct a health profile of each client as soon as they start working with us."

At New Level Personal Training, this profile is built with a self assessment, where each client rates their own fitness (on a range of factors) using a scale from one to ten, and a fitness test.

Results from these two assessments are then used to build the profile and set benchmarks which are used to construct an individual exercise program and track exercise progress.

"Although it can sound pretty scary, there's nothing to fear about our fitness test."

"For safety reasons, we never go above 70% of our clients' estimated maximum heart rate."

"At this intensity level, most people start to perspire and breathe a little bit harder but it isn't painful and most people don't feel too out of breath."

Personal Trainers and fit people

So why do we see so many fit people exercising with personal trainers in the park?

We think the reasons are threefold:

  1. Because fit people get the same benefits using a personal trainer as the rest of us
  2. Because most of us with weight loss goals prefer to workout in private
  3. Because fit people have reached a level of fitness that benefits from greater variety

Fit people get the same benefits using personal trainers as the rest of us

The most important things personal trainers do is:

  • Motivate us
  • Ensure our exercise is at the correct intensity and is progressive
  • Ensure that our exercise technique is correct so we avoid unnecessary injury
  • Ensure we achieve our goals as effectively and efficiently as possible

And everyone needs help with these things regardless of their fitness level.

Most of us with weight loss goals prefer to workout in private

Working outside sometimes can be fun, but not if we are very self-conscious.

Most of us with weight loss goals that extend beyond losing just a few kilograms are inclined to prefer working out in private until our fitness level improves and we get a little closer to achieving our goals and start to feel better about ourselves.

Because fit people have reached a level of fitness that benefits from greater variety

If we see fit people working out with their personal trainer in the park, chances are that they are doing it as much for their mental stimulation as their physical fitness.

As well as being good for their fitness (doing new exercises or exercising in a slightly different way can provide new physical challenges for our body), working out outdoors can provide the change of scenery needed to kick-start a potentially flagging motivation or just add a new dimension to an otherwise enjoyable exercise routine.


Go walking in any popular park where people enjoy exercising and you'll find fit people working out with a personal trainer.

To the casual observer, this phenomenon might lead us to conclude that personal trainers are just for fit people and not for those of us who have weight loss goals and who perhaps haven't exercised for a while.

We asked a couple of our favourite personal trainers to see what they had to say about this misnomer and added some of our own thoughts on the matter.

We hope that through this article we've helped to dispel this common myth and in doing so encourage those of us with weight loss goals who want to improve our health and fitness through weight loss and exercise to make an appointment with a good local personal trainer to get the help we need.

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

A Step in the Right Direction: Lose Weight & Lower Your Risk for Type 2 Diabetes by the National Diabetes Education Program

With so many weight loss programs available, it is easy to become confused about what works and what does not when it comes to losing weight to lower your risk for type 2 diabetes. The National Diabetes Education Program (NDEP) wants you to know that you don’t have to knock yourself out to lower your risk – in fact, the findings of a major study show that modest weight loss can reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes by more than half. Here are some proven small steps developed by NDEP to help you make gradual lifestyle changes to lose weight safely and keep it off.
Small Step #1: Set a weight loss goal you can meet before starting a weight loss plan. Aim to lose about 5 to 7 percent of your current weight – that’s 10 to 14 pounds if you weigh 200 pounds. Keep track of your daily food intake and physical activity in a log book and review it daily to see how you are doing. For support, invite family and friends to get involved.
Small Step #2: Make healthy food choices every day. Keep healthy snacks such as fruit on hand at home. Pack healthy lunches so that your family can take charge of what they eat during the day. To make sure you get enough fiber, eat more fruit and select a mix of colorful vegetables. Drink low-fat or nonfat milk or choose low-fat cheese. Choose whole-grain cereals, breads, crackers, brown rice, pasta, or oatmeal. Select lean meats and poultry. Vary your protein choices by choosing more fish, beans, peas, nuts, and seeds.
Small Step #3: Strive to become more physically active. If you are not active, start off slowly and choose a physical activity you will stick with most days of the week. Slowly add more time until you reach at least 30 minutes of moderate intensity physical activity five days a week. Build physical activity into your day. Take a brisk walk during lunchtime. Take the stairs instead of the elevator, or park farther away from your office. Join a community program like The Y as a family and choose activities that everyone can enjoy such as swimming, water aerobics, or dance classes. Keep at it and remember to celebrate small successes.
For a free copy of Your GAME PLAN to Prevent Type 2 Diabetes: Information for Patients in English or Spanish, which includes a fat and calorie counter and physical activity tracker, plus more tips to help you lower your risk for type 2 diabetes, contact the National Diabetes Education Program at 1-888-693-NDEP (6337) or visit the Diabetes Review link on the right and click on the Small Steps. Big Rewards. Prevent Type 2 Diabetes. campaign.
The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services’ National Diabetes Education Program is jointly sponsored by the National Institutes of Health (NIH) and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) with the support of more than 200 partner organization

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Five Ways to Help Save the Planet in 30 Minutes or Less Invest half an hour to protect the environment by changing how you live each day

 You may not be able to reduce global warming, end pollution and save endangered species single-handed, but by choosing to live an earth-friendly lifestyle you can do a lot every day to help achieve those goals.
And by making wise choices about how you live, and the amount of energy and natural resources you consume, you send a clear message to businesses, politicians and government agencies that value you as a customer, constituent and citizen.
Here are five simple things you can do—in 30 minutes or less—to help protect the environment and save Planet Earth.
Drive Less, Drive Smart
Every time you leave your car at home you reduce air pollution, lower greenhouse gas emissions, improve your health and save money.
Walk or ride a bicycle for short trips, or take public transportation for longer ones. In 30 minutes, most people can easily walk a mile or more, and you can cover even more ground on a bicycle, bus, subway or commuter train. Research has shown that people who use public transportation are healthier than those who don’t. Families that use public transportation can save enough money annually to cover their food costs for the year.
When you do drive, take the few minutes needed to make sure your engine is well maintained and your tires properly inflated.
 Eat Your Vegetables
Eating less meat and more fruits, grains and vegetables can help the environment more than you may realize. Eating meat, eggs and dairy products contributes heavily to global warming, because raising animals for food produces many more greenhouse gas emissions than growing plants. A 2006 report by the University of Chicago found that adopting a vegan diet does more to reduce global warming than switching to a hybrid car.
Raising animals for food also uses enormous amounts of land, water, grain and fuel. Every year in the United States alone, 80 percent of all agricultural land, half of all water resources, 70 percent of all grain, and one-third of all fossil fuels are used to raise animals for food.
Making a salad doesn’t take any more time than cooking a hamburger and it’s better for you—and for the environment.
Switch to Reusable Shopping Bags
Producing plastic bags uses a lot of natural resources, and most end up as litter that fouls landscapes, clogs waterways, and kills thousands of marine mammals that mistake the ubiquitous bags for food. Worldwide, up to a trillion plastic bags are used and discarded every year—more than a million per minute. The count for paper bags is lower, but the cost in natural resources is still unacceptably high—especially when there is a better alternative. Reusable shopping bags, made of materials that don’t harm the environment during production and don’t need to be discarded after each use, reduce pollution and save resources that could be put to better uses than making plastic and paper bags. Reusable bags are convenient and come in a variety of sizes and styles. Some reusable bags can even be rolled or folded small enough to fit into a purse or pocket.
Change Your Light Bulbs
Compact fluorescent light bulbs and light-emitting diodes (LEDs) are more energy efficient and less expensive to use than the traditional incandescent bulbs invented by Thomas Edison. For example, compact fluorescent light bulbs use at least two-thirds less energy than standard incandescent bulbs to provide the same amount of light, and they last up to 10 times longer. Compact fluorescent light bulbs also generate 70 percent less heat, so they are safer to operate and can reduce energy costs associated with cooling homes and offices. According to the Union of Concerned Scientists, if every U.S. household replaced just one regular incandescent light bulb with a compact fluorescent light bulb, it would prevent 90 billion pounds of greenhouse gas emissions from power plants, the equivalent of taking 7.5 million cars off the road. On top of that, for every incandescent bulb you replace with an approved compact fluorescent light bulb, you will save consumers $30 in energy costs over the life of the bulb.
Pay Your Bills Online
Many banks, utilities and other businesses now offer their customers the option of paying bills online, eliminating the need to write and mail paper checks or to keep paper records. By paying your bills online you can save time and money, lower the administrative costs of companies with which you do business, and reduce global warming by helping to prevent deforestation.

Monday, June 4, 2012

Have you heard of this Diabetes treatment before?

It's Julia here, I hope you had a great weekend. 
Today I just want to  let you know that I am so proud of everyone
who has chosen to take ACTION regarding their health. Despite
some prevailing ideas of diabetes treatment, there is now evidence that
you can control and conquer your diabetes, instead of feeling like it
conquers and controls you.

In today's lesson I wanted to share this information that I have concerning
the natural antioxidant known as Alpha Lipoic Acid (ALA) and how it can
help you in your fight against diabetes.

Alpha Lipoic Acid benefits people with diabetes by helping to :
-  converts glucose (blood sugar) into energy- LOWERING your blood sugar.
-  prevent cell damage throughout the body caused by high glucose levels.
-  the body use insulin more effectively by allowing more glucose to be
    absorbed into the cells.
-  attacks free radicals that cause damage to the cells in the body. 
-  rid the body of harmful substances from the environment.
-  it is also helpful in protecting our liver from toxins.
To find out how ALA combined with 8 other safe, natural and 
effective diabetes fighting ingredients can help you lower
your blood sugar visit me at

*** Don't take my word for it, look at the facts ****

If you are wondering how I know all this to be true, the following
scientific studies were done to prove the benefits from ALA

For well over 30 years physicians in Germany
have been clinically treating Diabetics with ALA.
Studies worldwide have shown ALA's
ability to normalize glucose uptake and utilization.
In one study, ALA was even shown to prevent
diabetes in 70% of the animals tested.
In another study, type II diabetics were given 500mg of ALA
daily and in 10 days saw a 30% increase in insulin stimulated
glucose disposal.

Nerve damage or neuropathy affects over 50% of diabetics and is one
of its most damaging complications. A study published in 'Diabetes
Care' has shown that supplementing with ALA can partly restore
diabetic nerve function after only four months of high-dose oral

 ***What most people don't know is that type 2 diabetes can be
prevented, treated and reversed****

This is why I  included Alpha Lipoic Acid in Melabic... You can
find out how ALA and eight other diabetes fighting ingredients
can help you normalize your blood sugar and take back your
health by visiting me at
ALA is a proven assistant for improving the circulation of the small
capillaries. It also is essential in balancing blood sugar and the
immune system.

Like most diseases, diabetes-related problems can be prevented
if detected and treated early. The sooner the disease is detected,
the better the chances that it can be treated and managed.

A person needs to take care of their body because it is the only body
we will have during our lifetime. Help is out there.


This eBook is about controlling your sugar levels and losing weight at the same time. But it is not only about diabetes as there are millions of people out there that suffer from low blood sugar and all the associated problems that go with that. Often these people are over-weight and their eating habits are the cause of their low blood sugar problems.

But this eBook is not only for diabetics and people with low blood sugar problems, as the change of eating habits and the plan included in this book will have an effect of permanent weight-loss for anyone that is over-weight. Effective and permanent fat-loss is something that a lot of over-weight people are trying to achieve.

Whether you are diabetic or not is not as important as the weight-loss that is needed simply because being over-weight often has many side effects that can range from low blood sugar to diabetes. If you are able to follow the advice written below I will offer you a 60 day money back guarantee that this program will work.

This book concentrates on all the problems associated with diabetes, low blood sugar and weight-loss. The weight-loss is going to be achieved when you follow the guidelines that are included in this eBook and the weight or rather fat that you lose will be permanent.

The reason why this eBook includes diabetes and low blood sugar problems is that often they are both associated with weight-gain and the reasons for the weight gain have been bad eating habits. This book will show you how effective and permanent weight-loss can solve both these problems.

If you are a diabetic this book is not going to tell you to check your blood sugar before and after every meal because the test strips are expensive and it will not help you to lose weight. This book is not all about the specifics on how to exercise and how to train in order to lose fat because even walking 15 minutes a day will speed up your metabolism.

This book will however tell you about what not to do regarding exercise and diet. For example doing a thousand sit-ups a day will not get rid of your stomach fat and running ten miles a day will not help you put on more muscle. The tips on exercise will be covered towards the end of the book

This book is about getting motivated and knowing what to do when your sugar goes beyond 200mg/dl or 10mmol/dl. But probably just as important, it is about making sure that you do not get low blood sugar and land up in hospital and in a coma with a dextrose IV in your arm.

Less than 10% of all diabetics are on insulin and most of us can simply manage our blood sugar by taking pills of various kinds. The difference is Type I which are on insulin and Type II which are on medication like sulphonaurias and other types of pills which increase the sensitivity of the receptor sites where insulin works.

Although both Type I and Type II diabetics are called diabetes they actually have a very different problem but it is all stress related. The Type I diabetic does not produce any of their own insulin and that is why they need to inject extraneously. Type II diabetics are producing their own insulin but the insulin that they produce is not being used correctly by the receptor sites.  

So what these medications are designed to do is increase the sensitivity of these insulin receptor sites in order to effectively work the insulin that is produced by the pancreas. Usually these Type II diabetics can very effectively control or stop the medication that they take if they lose weight permanently.

I have been a diabetic on insulin for well over 30 years and have landed up in a diabetic coma because of low blood sugar countless times. I am extremely aware of the dangers, not only to myself and the enormous brain damage that is caused by these comas, but also the enormous and sometimes irreparable damage that it can do to your family.

I started exercising when I was first diagnosed as a diabetic and after pumping iron for a year discovered that I have the right kind of genes in order to compete as a bodybuilder. To cut a very long 6 year story short I won the Mr Universe bodybuilding competition held in Tucson Arizona in 1986 after representing my country in the lineup.

But this eBook is about you and not me, so to get on with the story about controlling your diabetes and losing weight permanently. It all has to do with eating correctly and obviously exercise is important but it does not have to be for hours every day and it also needs to be something that you enjoy doing.

Eating correctly is the key to life because the old saying “you are what you eat” is as true today as it has ever been. If you are over-weight then you need to forget about going on a “diet” because a “diet” means that it is going to be something that you start and something that you stop.

When you stop your “diet” and go back to your normal eating habits that put on the weight in the first place you will not have lost the weight permanently. The only way to lose weight effectively and permanently is by changing your eating habits and not going on any “diet”. No matter how effective the “diet” is you will always land up putting all the weight that you have lost back on again.

There are many people that suffer from low blood sugar which is more often than not caused by the food that they eat. Low blood sugar is caused when a non-diabetic person eats an ice-cream or a chocolate and they get what is called reactive hypoglycemia.

If you would like to get a copy of this eBook completely FREE just send me an email at the address linked to this blog: