Monday, June 4, 2012


This eBook is about controlling your sugar levels and losing weight at the same time. But it is not only about diabetes as there are millions of people out there that suffer from low blood sugar and all the associated problems that go with that. Often these people are over-weight and their eating habits are the cause of their low blood sugar problems.

But this eBook is not only for diabetics and people with low blood sugar problems, as the change of eating habits and the plan included in this book will have an effect of permanent weight-loss for anyone that is over-weight. Effective and permanent fat-loss is something that a lot of over-weight people are trying to achieve.

Whether you are diabetic or not is not as important as the weight-loss that is needed simply because being over-weight often has many side effects that can range from low blood sugar to diabetes. If you are able to follow the advice written below I will offer you a 60 day money back guarantee that this program will work.

This book concentrates on all the problems associated with diabetes, low blood sugar and weight-loss. The weight-loss is going to be achieved when you follow the guidelines that are included in this eBook and the weight or rather fat that you lose will be permanent.

The reason why this eBook includes diabetes and low blood sugar problems is that often they are both associated with weight-gain and the reasons for the weight gain have been bad eating habits. This book will show you how effective and permanent weight-loss can solve both these problems.

If you are a diabetic this book is not going to tell you to check your blood sugar before and after every meal because the test strips are expensive and it will not help you to lose weight. This book is not all about the specifics on how to exercise and how to train in order to lose fat because even walking 15 minutes a day will speed up your metabolism.

This book will however tell you about what not to do regarding exercise and diet. For example doing a thousand sit-ups a day will not get rid of your stomach fat and running ten miles a day will not help you put on more muscle. The tips on exercise will be covered towards the end of the book

This book is about getting motivated and knowing what to do when your sugar goes beyond 200mg/dl or 10mmol/dl. But probably just as important, it is about making sure that you do not get low blood sugar and land up in hospital and in a coma with a dextrose IV in your arm.

Less than 10% of all diabetics are on insulin and most of us can simply manage our blood sugar by taking pills of various kinds. The difference is Type I which are on insulin and Type II which are on medication like sulphonaurias and other types of pills which increase the sensitivity of the receptor sites where insulin works.

Although both Type I and Type II diabetics are called diabetes they actually have a very different problem but it is all stress related. The Type I diabetic does not produce any of their own insulin and that is why they need to inject extraneously. Type II diabetics are producing their own insulin but the insulin that they produce is not being used correctly by the receptor sites.  

So what these medications are designed to do is increase the sensitivity of these insulin receptor sites in order to effectively work the insulin that is produced by the pancreas. Usually these Type II diabetics can very effectively control or stop the medication that they take if they lose weight permanently.

I have been a diabetic on insulin for well over 30 years and have landed up in a diabetic coma because of low blood sugar countless times. I am extremely aware of the dangers, not only to myself and the enormous brain damage that is caused by these comas, but also the enormous and sometimes irreparable damage that it can do to your family.

I started exercising when I was first diagnosed as a diabetic and after pumping iron for a year discovered that I have the right kind of genes in order to compete as a bodybuilder. To cut a very long 6 year story short I won the Mr Universe bodybuilding competition held in Tucson Arizona in 1986 after representing my country in the lineup.

But this eBook is about you and not me, so to get on with the story about controlling your diabetes and losing weight permanently. It all has to do with eating correctly and obviously exercise is important but it does not have to be for hours every day and it also needs to be something that you enjoy doing.

Eating correctly is the key to life because the old saying “you are what you eat” is as true today as it has ever been. If you are over-weight then you need to forget about going on a “diet” because a “diet” means that it is going to be something that you start and something that you stop.

When you stop your “diet” and go back to your normal eating habits that put on the weight in the first place you will not have lost the weight permanently. The only way to lose weight effectively and permanently is by changing your eating habits and not going on any “diet”. No matter how effective the “diet” is you will always land up putting all the weight that you have lost back on again.

There are many people that suffer from low blood sugar which is more often than not caused by the food that they eat. Low blood sugar is caused when a non-diabetic person eats an ice-cream or a chocolate and they get what is called reactive hypoglycemia.

If you would like to get a copy of this eBook completely FREE just send me an email at the address linked to this blog:

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