Monday, June 4, 2012

Have you heard of this Diabetes treatment before?

It's Julia here, I hope you had a great weekend. 
Today I just want to  let you know that I am so proud of everyone
who has chosen to take ACTION regarding their health. Despite
some prevailing ideas of diabetes treatment, there is now evidence that
you can control and conquer your diabetes, instead of feeling like it
conquers and controls you.

In today's lesson I wanted to share this information that I have concerning
the natural antioxidant known as Alpha Lipoic Acid (ALA) and how it can
help you in your fight against diabetes.

Alpha Lipoic Acid benefits people with diabetes by helping to :
-  converts glucose (blood sugar) into energy- LOWERING your blood sugar.
-  prevent cell damage throughout the body caused by high glucose levels.
-  the body use insulin more effectively by allowing more glucose to be
    absorbed into the cells.
-  attacks free radicals that cause damage to the cells in the body. 
-  rid the body of harmful substances from the environment.
-  it is also helpful in protecting our liver from toxins.
To find out how ALA combined with 8 other safe, natural and 
effective diabetes fighting ingredients can help you lower
your blood sugar visit me at

*** Don't take my word for it, look at the facts ****

If you are wondering how I know all this to be true, the following
scientific studies were done to prove the benefits from ALA

For well over 30 years physicians in Germany
have been clinically treating Diabetics with ALA.
Studies worldwide have shown ALA's
ability to normalize glucose uptake and utilization.
In one study, ALA was even shown to prevent
diabetes in 70% of the animals tested.
In another study, type II diabetics were given 500mg of ALA
daily and in 10 days saw a 30% increase in insulin stimulated
glucose disposal.

Nerve damage or neuropathy affects over 50% of diabetics and is one
of its most damaging complications. A study published in 'Diabetes
Care' has shown that supplementing with ALA can partly restore
diabetic nerve function after only four months of high-dose oral

 ***What most people don't know is that type 2 diabetes can be
prevented, treated and reversed****

This is why I  included Alpha Lipoic Acid in Melabic... You can
find out how ALA and eight other diabetes fighting ingredients
can help you normalize your blood sugar and take back your
health by visiting me at
ALA is a proven assistant for improving the circulation of the small
capillaries. It also is essential in balancing blood sugar and the
immune system.

Like most diseases, diabetes-related problems can be prevented
if detected and treated early. The sooner the disease is detected,
the better the chances that it can be treated and managed.

A person needs to take care of their body because it is the only body
we will have during our lifetime. Help is out there.

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